Type Alias VoltrVault

VoltrVault: {
    accounts: [
            discriminator: [105, 99, 219, 155, 77, 241, 7, 119];
            name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
            discriminator: [206, 77, 207, 208, 25, 244, 81, 172];
            name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
        { discriminator: [45, 39, 101, 43, 115, 72, 131, 40]; name: "protocol" },
            discriminator: [203, 81, 223, 141, 175, 108, 101, 114];
            name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
            discriminator: [51, 8, 192, 253, 115, 78, 112, 214];
            name: "strategyInitReceipt";
        { discriminator: [211, 8, 232, 43, 2, 152, 117, 119]; name: "vault" },
    address: "vVoLTRjQmtFpiYoegx285Ze4gsLJ8ZxgFKVcuvmG1a8";
    errors: [
        { code: 6000; msg: "Invalid amount provided."; name: "invalidAmount" },
        { code: 6001; msg: "Invalid account owner."; name: "invalidAccountOwner" },
        { code: 6002; msg: "Already initialized."; name: "alreadyInitialized" },
        { code: 6003; msg: "Invalid token mint."; name: "invalidTokenMint" },
        { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid token account."; name: "invalidTokenAccount" },
        { code: 6005; msg: "Invalid account input."; name: "invalidAccountInput" },
        { code: 6006; msg: "Not rent exempt."; name: "notRentExempt" },
        { code: 6007; msg: "Math overflow."; name: "mathOverflow" },
        { code: 6008; msg: "Max cap exceeded."; name: "maxCapExceeded" },
        { code: 6009; msg: "Strategy not empty."; name: "strategyNotEmpty" },
        { code: 6010; msg: "Vault not active."; name: "vaultNotActive" },
            code: 6011;
            msg: "Manager not allowed in remaining.";
            name: "managerNotAllowed";
        { code: 6012; msg: "Operation not allowed."; name: "operationNotAllowed" },
        { code: 6013; msg: "Adaptor epoch invalid."; name: "adaptorEpochInvalid" },
            code: 6014;
            msg: "Fee configuration invalid.";
            name: "invalidFeeConfiguration";
            code: 6015;
            msg: "Withdrawal not yet available.";
            name: "withdrawalNotYetAvailable";
    instructions: [
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [161, 145, 203, 248, 211, 202, 203, 67];
            name: "addAdaptor";
            accounts: [
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The user's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "userLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The request's associated token account for LP."];
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [231, 54, 14, 6, 223, 124, 127, 238];
            name: "cancelRequestWithdrawVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "manager"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultStrategyAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "amount"; type: "u64" },
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
            discriminator: [246, 82, 57, 226, 131, 222, 253, 249];
            name: "depositStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "userTransferAuthority"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The user's asset ATA from which they are depositing tokens.",
                    name: "userAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: ["The user's LP ATA where we will mint LP tokens."];
                    name: "userLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The PDA authority used to sign mint instructions for LP tokens.",
                    name: "vaultLpMintAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }];
            discriminator: [126, 224, 21, 255, 228, 53, 117, 33];
            name: "depositVault";
            accounts: [
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                { name: "strategy" },
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The request's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The user's asset ATA to which asset tokens will be sent."];
                    name: "userAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultStrategyAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "userArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } }];
            discriminator: [119, 33, 54, 52, 194, 8, 211, 239];
            name: "directWithdrawStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "currentAdmin"; signer: true },
                { name: "newAdmin" },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                    writable: true;
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "operationalState"; type: "u16" },
                { name: "fee"; type: "u16" },
            discriminator: [149, 56, 57, 46, 105, 182, 61, 208];
            name: "initOrUpdateProtocol";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "allowUserArgs"; type: "bool" },
            discriminator: [248, 207, 228, 15, 13, 191, 43, 58];
            name: "initializeDirectWithdrawStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "manager"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault" },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
            discriminator: [208, 119, 144, 145, 178, 57, 105, 252];
            name: "initializeStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "manager" },
                { name: "admin" },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; signer: true; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint" },
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAta"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMintAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    address: "SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111";
                    name: "clock";
                { address: "SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "rent" },
                    address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
                    name: "associatedTokenProgram";
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                    name: "config";
                    type: { defined: { name: "vaultInitializationInput" } };
                { name: "name"; type: "string" },
                { name: "description"; type: "string" },
            discriminator: [48, 191, 163, 44, 71, 129, 63, 164];
            name: "initializeVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true; writable: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [161, 199, 99, 22, 25, 193, 61, 193];
            name: "removeAdaptor";
            accounts: [
                    docs: ["The payer of the request"];
                    name: "payer";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault" },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: [
                        "The user's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "userLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The request's associated token account for LP."];
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "amount"; type: "u64" },
                { name: "isAmountInLp"; type: "bool" },
                { name: "isWithdrawAll"; type: "bool" },
            discriminator: [248, 225, 47, 22, 116, 144, 23, 143];
            name: "requestWithdrawVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { address: "SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "rent" },
            args: [
                    name: "config";
                    type: { defined: { name: "vaultInitializationInput" } };
            discriminator: [67, 229, 185, 188, 226, 11, 210, 60];
            name: "updateVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "manager"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "strategy" },
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultStrategyAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "amount"; type: "u64" },
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
            discriminator: [31, 45, 162, 5, 193, 217, 134, 188];
            name: "withdrawStrategy";
            accounts: [
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The request's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The user's asset ATA to which asset tokens will be sent."];
                    name: "userAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [135, 7, 237, 120, 149, 94, 95, 7];
            name: "withdrawVault";
    metadata: {
        description: "Created with Anchor";
        name: "voltrVault";
        spec: "0.1.0";
        version: "0.1.0";
    types: [
            name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault associated with this strategy."];
                        name: "vault";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The adapter program address."];
                        name: "adaptorProgram";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["A version number (1 byte)."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: ["The bump for the adaptor add receipt."];
                        name: "bump";
                        type: "u8";
                    { name: "isActive"; type: "bool" },
                        docs: [
                            "6 bytes of padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 6] };
                        docs: ["The epoch at which the strategy was last updated."];
                        name: "lastUpdatedEpoch";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved space for future fields"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 56] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault associated with this strategy."];
                        name: "vault";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["The strategy address."]; name: "strategy"; type: "pubkey" },
                        docs: ["The position value."];
                        name: "adaptorProgram";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The instruction discriminator."];
                        name: "instructionDiscriminator";
                        type: "bytes";
                        docs: ["The additional arguments."];
                        name: "additionalArgs";
                        type: { option: "bytes" };
                        docs: ["Whether the user args are allowed."];
                        name: "allowUserArgs";
                        type: "bool";
                    { docs: ["A version number (1 byte)."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: ["The bump for the strategy init receipt."];
                        name: "bump";
                        type: "u8";
                kind: "struct";
            name: "feeConfiguration";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["Manager performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Manager management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The redemption fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "redemptionFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The issuance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "issuanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 52] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "feeState";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The accumulated manager fees in the vault."];
                        name: "accumulatedLpManagerFees";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The accumulated admin fees in the vault."];
                        name: "accumulatedLpAdminFees";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The accumulated protocol fees in the vault."];
                        name: "accumulatedLpProtocolFees";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 24] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "highWaterMark";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The highest recorded total asset value per share"];
                        name: "highestAssetPerLpDecimalBits";
                        type: "u128";
                        docs: ["The timestamp when the high water mark was last updated"];
                        name: "lastUpdatedTs";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved for future use"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 8] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "lockedProfitState";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "lastUpdatedLockedProfit"; type: "u64" },
                    { name: "lastReport"; type: "u64" },
                kind: "struct";
            name: "protocol";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The admin of the protocol."];
                        name: "admin";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The operational state of the protocol."];
                        name: "operationalState";
                        type: "u16";
                    { docs: ["The fee for the protocol."]; name: "fee"; type: "u16" },
                    { docs: ["The bump for the protocol."]; name: "bump"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: [
                            "1 byte of padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 1] };
                        docs: ["Reserved space for future fields"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 64] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "vault"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "user"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "amountLpEscrowed"; type: "u64" },
                    { name: "amountAssetToWithdrawDecimalBits"; type: "u128" },
                    { name: "withdrawableFromTs"; type: "u64" },
                    { name: "bump"; type: "u8" },
                    { name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                kind: "struct";
            name: "strategyInitReceipt";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault associated with this strategy."];
                        name: "vault";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["The strategy address."]; name: "strategy"; type: "pubkey" },
                        docs: ["The adaptor program address."];
                        name: "adaptorProgram";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["The position value."]; name: "positionValue"; type: "u64" },
                        docs: ["The last updated timestamp."];
                        name: "lastUpdatedTs";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["A version number (1 byte)."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: ["The bump for the strategy init receipt."];
                        name: "bump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault strategy auth."];
                        name: "vaultStrategyAuthBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: [
                            "6 bytes of padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 5] };
                        docs: ["Reserved space for future fields"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 64] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vault";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault's name."];
                        name: "name";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 32] };
                        docs: ["A description or summary for this vault."];
                        name: "description";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 64] };
                        docs: [
                            "The vault’s main asset configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "asset";
                        type: { defined: { name: "vaultAsset" } };
                        docs: [
                            "The vault’s LP (share) configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "lp";
                        type: { defined: { name: "vaultLp" } };
                        docs: ["The manager of this vault (has certain permissions)."];
                        name: "manager";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: [
                            "The admin of this vault (broader or fallback permissions).",
                        name: "admin";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: [
                            "The vault fee, cap, and locked profit degradation duration configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "vaultConfiguration";
                        type: { defined: { name: "vaultConfiguration" } };
                        docs: [
                            "The vault fee and cap configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "feeConfiguration";
                        type: { defined: { name: "feeConfiguration" } };
                        docs: ["The fee state of the vault."];
                        name: "feeState";
                        type: { defined: { name: "feeState" } };
                    { name: "highWaterMark"; type: { defined: { name: "highWaterMark" } } },
                        docs: [
                            "The last time (Unix timestamp) this vault data was updated.",
                        name: "lastUpdatedTs";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["The version of the vault."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: [
                            "padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 7] };
                        docs: ["The locked profit state of the vault."];
                        name: "lockedProfitState";
                        type: { defined: { name: "lockedProfitState" } };
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 240] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultAsset";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The mint for the vault’s main asset."];
                        name: "mint";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The “idle” token account holding un-invested assets."];
                        name: "idleAta";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The total amount of this asset currently in the vault."];
                        name: "totalValue";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault asset mint."];
                        name: "idleAtaAuthBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 95] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultConfiguration";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The maximum total amount allowed in the vault."];
                        name: "maxCap";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["active from timestamp"]; name: "startAtTs"; type: "u64" },
                        docs: ["The locked profit degradation duration."];
                        name: "lockedProfitDegradationDuration";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The waiting period for a withdrawal. prec: seconds"];
                        name: "withdrawalWaitingPeriod";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 48] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultInitializationInput";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The maximum total amount allowed in the vault."];
                        name: "maxCap";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["active from timestamp"]; name: "startAtTs"; type: "u64" },
                        docs: ["Manager performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Manager management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The locked profit degradation duration."];
                        name: "lockedProfitDegradationDuration";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The redemption fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "redemptionFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The issuance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "issuanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The waiting period for a withdrawal."];
                        name: "withdrawalWaitingPeriod";
                        type: "u64";
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultLp";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The LP mint (e.g., representing shares in this vault)."];
                        name: "mint";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault LP mint."];
                        name: "mintBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault LP mint authority."];
                        name: "mintAuthBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 62] };
                kind: "struct";

Program IDL in camelCase format in order to be used in JS/TS.

Note that this is only a type helper and is not the actual IDL. The original IDL can be found at target/idl/voltr_vault.json.

Type declaration

  • accounts: [
            discriminator: [105, 99, 219, 155, 77, 241, 7, 119];
            name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
            discriminator: [206, 77, 207, 208, 25, 244, 81, 172];
            name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
        { discriminator: [45, 39, 101, 43, 115, 72, 131, 40]; name: "protocol" },
            discriminator: [203, 81, 223, 141, 175, 108, 101, 114];
            name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
            discriminator: [51, 8, 192, 253, 115, 78, 112, 214];
            name: "strategyInitReceipt";
        { discriminator: [211, 8, 232, 43, 2, 152, 117, 119]; name: "vault" },
  • address: "vVoLTRjQmtFpiYoegx285Ze4gsLJ8ZxgFKVcuvmG1a8"
  • errors: [
        { code: 6000; msg: "Invalid amount provided."; name: "invalidAmount" },
        { code: 6001; msg: "Invalid account owner."; name: "invalidAccountOwner" },
        { code: 6002; msg: "Already initialized."; name: "alreadyInitialized" },
        { code: 6003; msg: "Invalid token mint."; name: "invalidTokenMint" },
        { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid token account."; name: "invalidTokenAccount" },
        { code: 6005; msg: "Invalid account input."; name: "invalidAccountInput" },
        { code: 6006; msg: "Not rent exempt."; name: "notRentExempt" },
        { code: 6007; msg: "Math overflow."; name: "mathOverflow" },
        { code: 6008; msg: "Max cap exceeded."; name: "maxCapExceeded" },
        { code: 6009; msg: "Strategy not empty."; name: "strategyNotEmpty" },
        { code: 6010; msg: "Vault not active."; name: "vaultNotActive" },
            code: 6011;
            msg: "Manager not allowed in remaining.";
            name: "managerNotAllowed";
        { code: 6012; msg: "Operation not allowed."; name: "operationNotAllowed" },
        { code: 6013; msg: "Adaptor epoch invalid."; name: "adaptorEpochInvalid" },
            code: 6014;
            msg: "Fee configuration invalid.";
            name: "invalidFeeConfiguration";
            code: 6015;
            msg: "Withdrawal not yet available.";
            name: "withdrawalNotYetAvailable";
  • instructions: [
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [161, 145, 203, 248, 211, 202, 203, 67];
            name: "addAdaptor";
            accounts: [
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The user's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "userLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The request's associated token account for LP."];
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [231, 54, 14, 6, 223, 124, 127, 238];
            name: "cancelRequestWithdrawVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "manager"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultStrategyAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "amount"; type: "u64" },
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
            discriminator: [246, 82, 57, 226, 131, 222, 253, 249];
            name: "depositStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "userTransferAuthority"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The user's asset ATA from which they are depositing tokens."];
                    name: "userAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: ["The user's LP ATA where we will mint LP tokens."];
                    name: "userLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The PDA authority used to sign mint instructions for LP tokens.",
                    name: "vaultLpMintAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }];
            discriminator: [126, 224, 21, 255, 228, 53, 117, 33];
            name: "depositVault";
            accounts: [
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                { name: "strategy" },
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The request's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The user's asset ATA to which asset tokens will be sent."];
                    name: "userAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultStrategyAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [{ name: "userArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } }];
            discriminator: [119, 33, 54, 52, 194, 8, 211, 239];
            name: "directWithdrawStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "currentAdmin"; signer: true },
                { name: "newAdmin" },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                    writable: true;
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "operationalState"; type: "u16" },
                { name: "fee"; type: "u16" },
            discriminator: [149, 56, 57, 46, 105, 182, 61, 208];
            name: "initOrUpdateProtocol";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "allowUserArgs"; type: "bool" },
            discriminator: [248, 207, 228, 15, 13, 191, 43, 58];
            name: "initializeDirectWithdrawStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "manager"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault" },
                { name: "strategy" },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
            discriminator: [208, 119, 144, 145, 178, 57, 105, 252];
            name: "initializeStrategy";
            accounts: [
                { name: "payer"; signer: true; writable: true },
                { name: "manager" },
                { name: "admin" },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; signer: true; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint" },
                { name: "vaultAssetIdleAta"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMintAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                { address: "SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "clock" },
                { address: "SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "rent" },
                    address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
                    name: "associatedTokenProgram";
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                    name: "config";
                    type: { defined: { name: "vaultInitializationInput" } };
                { name: "name"; type: "string" },
                { name: "description"; type: "string" },
            discriminator: [48, 191, 163, 44, 71, 129, 63, 164];
            name: "initializeVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true; writable: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [161, 199, 99, 22, 25, 193, 61, 193];
            name: "removeAdaptor";
            accounts: [
                    docs: ["The payer of the request"];
                    name: "payer";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault" },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: [
                        "The user's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "userLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The request's associated token account for LP."];
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "amount"; type: "u64" },
                { name: "isAmountInLp"; type: "bool" },
                { name: "isWithdrawAll"; type: "bool" },
            discriminator: [248, 225, 47, 22, 116, 144, 23, 143];
            name: "requestWithdrawVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "admin"; relations: ["vault"]; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { address: "SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "rent" },
            args: [
                    name: "config";
                    type: { defined: { name: "vaultInitializationInput" } };
            discriminator: [67, 229, 185, 188, 226, 11, 210, 60];
            name: "updateVault";
            accounts: [
                { name: "manager"; signer: true },
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                    name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "strategyInitReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "strategy" },
                { name: "adaptorProgram" },
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "strategy" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "vaultAssetMint"; writable: true },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultStrategyAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultStrategyAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
            args: [
                { name: "amount"; type: "u64" },
                { name: "instructionDiscriminator"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
                { name: "additionalArgs"; type: { option: "bytes" } },
            discriminator: [31, 45, 162, 5, 193, 217, 134, 188];
            name: "withdrawStrategy";
            accounts: [
                    docs: [
                        "The authority that owns the LP tokens and wants to redeem them",
                    name: "userTransferAuthority";
                    signer: true;
                    writable: true;
                    name: "protocol";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "const"; value: [112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111, 108] },
                { name: "vault"; writable: true },
                { name: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    name: "vaultLpMint";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [118, 97, 117, 108, 116, 95, 108, 112, 95, 109, 105, 110, 116];
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: [
                        "The request's LP token account from which LP tokens will be burned.",
                    name: "requestWithdrawLpAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "lpTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultLpMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The vault's associated token account for asset."];
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetIdleAuth" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "vaultAssetIdleAuth";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                    writable: true;
                    docs: ["The user's asset ATA to which asset tokens will be sent."];
                    name: "userAssetAta";
                    pda: {
                        program: {
                            kind: "const";
                            value: [
                        seeds: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "assetTokenProgram" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vaultAssetMint" },
                    writable: true;
                    name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
                    pda: {
                        seeds: [
                                kind: "const";
                                value: [
                            { kind: "account"; path: "vault" },
                            { kind: "account"; path: "userTransferAuthority" },
                    writable: true;
                { name: "assetTokenProgram" },
                    address: "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA";
                    name: "lpTokenProgram";
                { address: "11111111111111111111111111111111"; name: "systemProgram" },
            args: [];
            discriminator: [135, 7, 237, 120, 149, 94, 95, 7];
            name: "withdrawVault";
  • metadata: {
        description: "Created with Anchor";
        name: "voltrVault";
        spec: "0.1.0";
        version: "0.1.0";
  • types: [
            name: "adaptorAddReceipt";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault associated with this strategy."];
                        name: "vault";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The adapter program address."];
                        name: "adaptorProgram";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["A version number (1 byte)."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: ["The bump for the adaptor add receipt."];
                        name: "bump";
                        type: "u8";
                    { name: "isActive"; type: "bool" },
                        docs: [
                            "6 bytes of padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 6] };
                        docs: ["The epoch at which the strategy was last updated."];
                        name: "lastUpdatedEpoch";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved space for future fields"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 56] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "directWithdrawInitReceipt";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault associated with this strategy."];
                        name: "vault";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["The strategy address."]; name: "strategy"; type: "pubkey" },
                        docs: ["The position value."];
                        name: "adaptorProgram";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The instruction discriminator."];
                        name: "instructionDiscriminator";
                        type: "bytes";
                        docs: ["The additional arguments."];
                        name: "additionalArgs";
                        type: { option: "bytes" };
                        docs: ["Whether the user args are allowed."];
                        name: "allowUserArgs";
                        type: "bool";
                    { docs: ["A version number (1 byte)."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: ["The bump for the strategy init receipt."];
                        name: "bump";
                        type: "u8";
                kind: "struct";
            name: "feeConfiguration";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["Manager performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Manager management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The redemption fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "redemptionFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The issuance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "issuanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 52] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "feeState";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The accumulated manager fees in the vault."];
                        name: "accumulatedLpManagerFees";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The accumulated admin fees in the vault."];
                        name: "accumulatedLpAdminFees";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The accumulated protocol fees in the vault."];
                        name: "accumulatedLpProtocolFees";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 24] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "highWaterMark";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The highest recorded total asset value per share"];
                        name: "highestAssetPerLpDecimalBits";
                        type: "u128";
                        docs: ["The timestamp when the high water mark was last updated"];
                        name: "lastUpdatedTs";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved for future use"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 8] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "lockedProfitState";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "lastUpdatedLockedProfit"; type: "u64" },
                    { name: "lastReport"; type: "u64" },
                kind: "struct";
            name: "protocol";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The admin of the protocol."];
                        name: "admin";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The operational state of the protocol."];
                        name: "operationalState";
                        type: "u16";
                    { docs: ["The fee for the protocol."]; name: "fee"; type: "u16" },
                    { docs: ["The bump for the protocol."]; name: "bump"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: [
                            "1 byte of padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 1] };
                        docs: ["Reserved space for future fields"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 64] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "requestWithdrawVaultReceipt";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                    { name: "vault"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "user"; type: "pubkey" },
                    { name: "amountLpEscrowed"; type: "u64" },
                    { name: "amountAssetToWithdrawDecimalBits"; type: "u128" },
                    { name: "withdrawableFromTs"; type: "u64" },
                    { name: "bump"; type: "u8" },
                    { name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                kind: "struct";
            name: "strategyInitReceipt";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault associated with this strategy."];
                        name: "vault";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["The strategy address."]; name: "strategy"; type: "pubkey" },
                        docs: ["The adaptor program address."];
                        name: "adaptorProgram";
                        type: "pubkey";
                    { docs: ["The position value."]; name: "positionValue"; type: "u64" },
                        docs: ["The last updated timestamp."];
                        name: "lastUpdatedTs";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["A version number (1 byte)."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: ["The bump for the strategy init receipt."];
                        name: "bump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault strategy auth."];
                        name: "vaultStrategyAuthBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: [
                            "6 bytes of padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 5] };
                        docs: ["Reserved space for future fields"];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 64] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vault";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The vault's name."];
                        name: "name";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 32] };
                        docs: ["A description or summary for this vault."];
                        name: "description";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 64] };
                        docs: [
                            "The vault’s main asset configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "asset";
                        type: { defined: { name: "vaultAsset" } };
                        docs: [
                            "The vault’s LP (share) configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "lp";
                        type: { defined: { name: "vaultLp" } };
                        docs: ["The manager of this vault (has certain permissions)."];
                        name: "manager";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The admin of this vault (broader or fallback permissions)."];
                        name: "admin";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: [
                            "The vault fee, cap, and locked profit degradation duration configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "vaultConfiguration";
                        type: { defined: { name: "vaultConfiguration" } };
                        docs: [
                            "The vault fee and cap configuration (inline nested struct).",
                        name: "feeConfiguration";
                        type: { defined: { name: "feeConfiguration" } };
                        docs: ["The fee state of the vault."];
                        name: "feeState";
                        type: { defined: { name: "feeState" } };
                    { name: "highWaterMark"; type: { defined: { name: "highWaterMark" } } },
                        docs: [
                            "The last time (Unix timestamp) this vault data was updated.",
                        name: "lastUpdatedTs";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["The version of the vault."]; name: "version"; type: "u8" },
                        docs: [
                            "padding to align future 8-byte fields on 8-byte boundaries.",
                        name: "padding0";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 7] };
                        docs: ["The locked profit state of the vault."];
                        name: "lockedProfitState";
                        type: { defined: { name: "lockedProfitState" } };
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 240] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultAsset";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The mint for the vault’s main asset."];
                        name: "mint";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The “idle” token account holding un-invested assets."];
                        name: "idleAta";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The total amount of this asset currently in the vault."];
                        name: "totalValue";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault asset mint."];
                        name: "idleAtaAuthBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 95] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultConfiguration";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The maximum total amount allowed in the vault."];
                        name: "maxCap";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["active from timestamp"]; name: "startAtTs"; type: "u64" },
                        docs: ["The locked profit degradation duration."];
                        name: "lockedProfitDegradationDuration";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The waiting period for a withdrawal. prec: seconds"];
                        name: "withdrawalWaitingPeriod";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 48] };
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultInitializationInput";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The maximum total amount allowed in the vault."];
                        name: "maxCap";
                        type: "u64";
                    { docs: ["active from timestamp"]; name: "startAtTs"; type: "u64" },
                        docs: ["Manager performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin performance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminPerformanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Manager management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "managerManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["Admin management fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "adminManagementFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The locked profit degradation duration."];
                        name: "lockedProfitDegradationDuration";
                        type: "u64";
                        docs: ["The redemption fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "redemptionFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The issuance fee in basis points (BPS)."];
                        name: "issuanceFee";
                        type: "u16";
                        docs: ["The waiting period for a withdrawal."];
                        name: "withdrawalWaitingPeriod";
                        type: "u64";
                kind: "struct";
            name: "vaultLp";
            repr: { kind: "c" };
            serialization: "bytemuckunsafe";
            type: {
                fields: [
                        docs: ["The LP mint (e.g., representing shares in this vault)."];
                        name: "mint";
                        type: "pubkey";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault LP mint."];
                        name: "mintBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["The bump for the vault LP mint authority."];
                        name: "mintAuthBump";
                        type: "u8";
                        docs: ["Reserved bytes for future use."];
                        name: "reserved";
                        type: { array: ["u8", 62] };
                kind: "struct";